Strongly Recommended Translation Resources – Blogs, Services & Software

This is a list of translation resources (links to blogs, services and software websites) to give your projects a leg up.

The challenge is distilling all the great suggestions received -thank you!- down to a manageable few. The following criteria have been applied to this end:

  1. Primarily, a resource must, naturally, be about translation and related fields
  2. English Medium – It must be understandable to the majority, regardless of specialization (i.e., Japanese translation, etc.)
  3. Avoid “name brands”, with a focus on indie sites offering quality (of both product and service)

Let’s jump right in!

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Translation Blogs

Translation Services

Translation Software
Coming soon! (Balls to the wall busy here…)

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Language and Linguistic Solution
Got a project that requires a more robust solution than plain vanilla translation? Try here:

We update regularly - Bookmark us and check back! And, if you’ve identified translation or language resources you feel should be listed, EMAIL us TODAY and we’ll definitely look into it.



Now read this

Certified Transcript Translation in Japan, Tokyo

Looking for accurate academic transcript translation? Transcript Translation Services Japan based in Tokyo are able to provide you with certified Japanese to English translation of your academic records, which are accepted by all... Continue →